TARUND Certified Development Professional Certification

With the TARUND Certified Development Professional (TCD-Pro®) Certification, you can:

  • Work for Local and International NGOs
  • Start and grow an impactful and sustainable NGO
  • Become an Development Consultant

The TARUND Certified Development Professional (TCD-Pro®) Credential is a unique Three-in-one Certification designed by experts to build the capacities of participants in three strategic areas (Community Development and Advocacy; Resource Mobilization and Grant Writing, and Project Planning, Management, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (PMEAL)) crucial for NGO success using world-class resources and seasoned Trainers.

A course is validated by the submission of a practical project after the tutorials. Graduates of this program use the TCD-Pro® initials after their names for global recognition as professionals.

You will also:

  1. Gain skills to build healthier and sustainable communities beginning from problem identification to solution implementation and evaluation.
  2. Gain skills to design relevant development and humanitarian projects; implement these projects within project resources and constraints; manage these projects in an inclusive, accountable, and sustainable manner; monitor, evaluate, and disseminate the lessons learned from the project.
  3. Gain skills to succinctly craft the different sections of a typical project proposal.
  4. Develop a project proposal, which can be adapted to fit real professional contexts.
  5. Gain skills to plan resource mobilization in a strategic, mission-driven – as opposed to donor- driven – manner.
  6. Gain skills to design, implement and monitor sustainable resource mobilization activities.
  7. Gain skills to choose advocacy issues and effective advocacy methods.
  8. Gain skills to craft effective advocacy messages and work with partners and the press for effective advocacy actions.
  9. Gain skills to market your organization and build organizational credibility.
  10. Nurture a spirit of innovation and creativity.
  11. Gain interpersonal skills for teamwork.



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